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Offshore Wind Technical Potential
- Last Updated:
- March 3, 2021
- Countries:
- Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Brazil + 50
- Regions:
- Africa, East Asia and Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America & Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, South Asia
- Views:
- 2777
This dataset presents the technical potential for offshore wind development at the country level, split into potential for fixed and floating foundations. The files are grouped per WB regions and delivered in PDF, .SHP, .KMZ (CRS:4326)... -
Global Energy Statistics Yearbook
- Last Updated:
- August 29, 2022
- Countries:
- United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada + 34
- Regions:
- Africa, East Asia and Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America & Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, South Asia
- Views:
- 3560
The Global Energy Statistical Yearbook is an Enerdata's free online interactive data tool. It allows users to browse energy data through intuitive maps and graphs, for visual analysis of the latest trends in the energy industry and... -
power tower training dataset for deep learning model
- Last Updated:
- August 30, 2024
- Countries:
- India, Liberia, Yemen
- Regions:
- Africa, East Asia and Pacific, Middle East and North Africa
- Views:
- 9
This is the training dataset for power tower deep learning model development. The dataset contains 50cm resolution Mapbox image tiles (Maxar imagery) as well as the power tower location presence in the imagery as geojson file. Both the...