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FumbAlive Campaign
Launch: 2016 End: N/A
Region: SSA
Geography: Uganda
Type: National
ICS Only?: Yes
Value/Funding: N/A
Funder Type: Multilateral Organization
Funders: Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (GACC); Uganda National Alliance of Clean Cookstoves (UNACC)
  • Awareness
  • Description:
    Communications campaign aimed at encouraging consumers to adopt the use of improved cook stoves as a way of promoting energy saving cooking practices, through door-to-door outreach, market events, social media campaign, print and radio advertising [1]
    34 market events hosted, which reached a total audience of approximately 16,000 people; Radio advertisements aired on 13 local radio stations, with nearly 5,000 radio spots reaching 5.5 million listeners [1]
    Influence 1,500 homes directly and reach at least 75,000 people with the message of benefits of ICS [1]