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East Asia Pacific Clean Stove initiative (EAP CSI)
Launch: 2009 End: 2014+
Region: EAP
Geography: China, Mongolia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Cambodia
Type: Regional
ICS Only?: No
Value/Funding: Indonesia: US$190K fund managed by Bank Rakyat Indonesia, €250,000 in parallel financing from the French Development Agency (AFD) used to directly support program implementation through AFD’s implementing agency, GERES [2]
Funder Type: Foreign Aid, Multinational Organization
Funders: Australian Aid, World Bank's ASTAE and ESMAP [2]
  • RBF
  • Technical Assistance
  • Capacity Building
  • Policy
  • Description:
    ESMAP supported program as follow up to the flagship energy report (One Goal, Two Paths: Achieving Universal Access to Modern Energy in east Asia and the Pacific). Focus on achieving access to modern cooking and heating [4]
    China: 480 stoves sold; Indonesia: ~700 stoves being verified for RBF incentives; Mongolia: 36,533 low-emission heating stoves disseminated covering more than four-fifths of potential household market [2]
    Help scale access to clean and efficient stoves through capacity building, policy development and supporting government action plans; promote regional collaboration, learning/knowledge sharing on access to household modern energy through the establishment of regional energy access forum. [3] China: Disseminate 40M clean stoves by 2020, Mongolia: Install heating appliances in more than 80% of targeted households (achieved) [2]
    [1] p. vi [2] [3] [4]